Mike's Publications
You can find Mike J. Walker's thought leader content published in books, articles, magazines, and all of his analyst research, published articles, and contributions.
Featured Publications
As enterprises embark on the journey to become digital businesses, they will leverage technologies that today are considered to be "emerging." Understanding where your enterprise is on this journey and where you need to go will not only determine the amount of change expected for your enterprise, but also map out which combination of technologies supports your progression.
Our 2016 Hype Cycle reveals three distinct technology trends that profoundly create new experiences, with unrivaled intelligence, and offer platforms that propel organizations to connect with new business ecosystems in order to become competitive over the next five to 10 years.
The 2017 Hype Cycle reveals three distinct technology trends that profoundly create new experiences, with unrivaled intelligence, and offer platforms that propel organizations to connect with new business ecosystems in order to become competitive over the next five to 10 years.
The 2018 Hype Cycle reveals five emerging technology trends that profoundly shift experiences in our spaces, blur the lines between human and machine, and enable AI ubiquity that will propel organizations to connect into new business ecosystems to become competitive over the next decade.
Business ecosystems continue to evolve, becoming the basis of innovative business models. Both the technologies that underpin business ecosystems and the business models built out of them are evolving quickly.
The shift to digital business requires organizations to change how they use data and analytics as a decision-making tool. This Hype Cycle tracks the progress of various the practices and disciplines of enterprise information management to guide CIOs and CDOs with their EIM programs.
Threat-facing technologies aim to prevent and protect IT systems and applications from attack, enabling fast and effective response. Technologies included meet the security needs of end users who utilize cloud and enterprise infrastructure that is threatened by the evolving threat landscape.
This Hype Cycle features technologies, services and practices that present the greatest potential to optimize and transform government business operations in an era of sweeping digital change.